Full disclosure: I'm not a racing guy. I'm not a car guy, even. My extent of car knowledge begins and ends at "vroom-vroom go that way."
But that's all you need to know for this game. I can tune the holy bejeezus out of a million sliders that mean absolutely nothing to me, or I can just equip a premade setting by someone who does and suddenly the vroom-vrooms are *better*. Not sure when to brake or start a turn? Easy, there's a friendly line. Follow the line, make less vroom-vrooms when it's red, everything's gravy. Don't have the reaction time to follow the line? You can slow the game down until it's at a pace where you can. Incredible.
You can be as serious as you want with it. Me, I'm taking my van that's dolled up to look like the Mystery Machine and ramping it off a volcano.
At the moment the game is pretty much broken. Optimisation problems, memory leak, poor and cheap cockpit animations (character's hands glitching through steering wheel, missing gearshift animations, broken lighting etc), skill score dissappearance when "hitting" invisible wall etc. But overall, I liked the game. If you are going to buy the game now, be prepared to face serious issues.
The AI in this game is annoying as ♥♥♥♥. In the upper half of difficutly levels it just bends physics and gravity to it's will and will just do whatever it wants to get a certain time (I guess?). This doesn't feel like racing at all, you might as well just have time trials at this point. The difficulty levels are also super inconsistent, expert could be quite winnable in one race and in the next average would be unwinnable. It's OK to have make it difficult and there are many games out there that can make the racing fun, this is just feels like getting cheated every race, and I don't like it.